

Arson is the intentional or reckless act of causing a fire or explosion resulting in the damage of property. The following are a list of the offences, whose charges vary depending on the harm caused to human life.

There are two forms:

  1. When there is intention or recklessness in causing a fire, with the knowledge that the property is currently inhabited or occupied. Knowing the fire could have caused potential harm to another person is sufficient, even if that said person was not harmed.
  2. If there was no knowledge of the property being occupied, but the fire caused bodily harm to another person.

While it is not a criminal offence to burn down one’s own property, provided you are the owner of that property and nobody was endangered by the fire, it is a crime to intentionally damage a property that is not your own.

It is a crime to cause a fire that puts someone else, or their property in danger.

Causing a fire or explosion for the purpose of defrauding an insurance company or another person.

An offence arises when an initially controlled fire escapes your control and causes bodily harm to another person or their property.

Arson is a serious and indictable crime that nay be punished by life imprisonment.

If charged with this offence, pursue your right to remain silent until you retain counsel.


    John East


    B.A. (Hons), M.A., J.D.

    John East lives for a fight. He is not afraid to throw a punch and is certainly not afraid to take a punch. He then became a Criminal Defence Lawyer. Having spent many years working on a farm, John East understands that hard work is what wins out at the end of the day. He applies this motto to every case that he defends, no matter what.