

Mischief is a legal charge that can cover various illegal acts. Frequently, Mischief is charged when there is deliberate damage to property such as vandalism, graffiti, etc. Property is broadly defined and can be anything from cars, houses, trees, lawn ornaments, or public property, etc. Mischief can also be charged when someone is preventing another person or company from the use of their own property. For example, a protester who chains themselves to a logging machine to prevent a company from operating may be Mischief. Hackers who take control of someone’s passwords and prevent access to data can also be charged with a Mischief offence.

This can vary from case to case depending on damaged caused to the complainant. Mischief is categorized as under/over $5,000.00 Jail time is often sought by prosecutors in situations where the subject of the mischief had something to do with culture or religion. For example, vandalising statues etc.

Mischief charges often can be resolved in a way to avoid the cost of a length trial. It is on these kinds of charges that lawyers must be good negotiators. Luckily, the Lawyers at East Law have negotiation skills in spades.


    John East


    B.A. (Hons), M.A., J.D.

    John East lives for a fight. He is not afraid to throw a punch and is certainly not afraid to take a punch. He then became a Criminal Defence Lawyer. Having spent many years working on a farm, John East understands that hard work is what wins out at the end of the day. He applies this motto to every case that he defends, no matter what.